We all need to take more exercise but this can lead to wear and tear. However fit we feel and whatever activities we do to keep trim, most of us will find our bodies suffering from aches and pains as we get older.
Wear and tear may be a cause for some of these pains and a small price to pay for the benefits of keeping fit. But sometimes, you need more than a just restful sleep to settle these joint troubles. That’s when you might need the services of Mr JP Whittaker, a consultant orthopaedic surgeon who specialises in minimally invasive hip & knee surgery and replacements. Mr JP Whittaker is able to offer prompt, expert assessment and planned treatment for all orthopaedic conditions from sportsmen and ‘weekend warriors’ to those who just enjoy keeping healthy.

Hip symptoms can arise from the joint or the soft tissues that surround it, although the location of pain can be felt in a number of areas (referred pain) including the back of the hip, groin, thigh, knee and shin. Common causes for symptoms include osteoarthritis, soft tissue (labral) tears and tendon degeneration (tendinopathy).
If symptoms are persistent and intrusive, restricting your daily activities you may wish to consider booking an appointment for a thorough consultation and examination. Once the cause of symptoms is identified we can discuss the range of treatment options to restore your mobility and comfort, including for example simple pain killers, physiotherapy, injections or surgery.

Knee symptoms are often poorly located and may be felt in the knee, along the lower thigh or shin. Patients commonly describe pain, swelling, warmth and a loss of confidence in the joint particularly during demanding activities such as stairs.
If symptoms are persistent and intrusive you may wish to consider booking an appointment to identify the cause of symptoms and discuss potential treatment options to restore your knee function and mobility, including for example simple pain killers, physiotherapy, injections or surgery.